
Pepper and Meico (joint problems)





Our experience with Anifit!

We became aware of Anifit a good year ago at a city festival. We had our Continental Bulldog Pepper with us and asked Mrs Zintl for advice at a stand. Until then, our Pepper had been suffering from joint problems time and again. As soon as she exerted herself (and that's all the time with a bulldog and its muscle mass), she limped on her front legs. We already wanted to take her to the vet. Mr and Mrs Zintl asked us if we were feeding her dry food. I replied in the affirmative. They explained to me that this "high-quality dry food" draws fluid from the muscles and that muscular dogs in particular can limp and suffer. They explained to me in detail how much meat is in Anifit and, above all, what kind of meat. It was very informative and I took a sample pack with me. Pepper really liked the food. It smells nice and she always looks forward to it. Now she no longer gobbles it up but savours every morsel. And what can I say? After a month of Anifit, she had no more problems and is now running like a racing mule again! She no longer limps and that without a visit to the vet!
Half a year ago we got an addition. Our Labrador-Bernardiner mix Meico is growing up on this healthy food and is doing brilliantly. He hasn't grown too quickly and has a great figure! Even our Pepper has regained her old figure (she was a bit chubby after being castrated) after the change in food. Both dogs' coats are shiny and they just look healthy! I can only recommend Anifit! Many thanks for the great food and the first-class care!

Best regards

Andrea Koch

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