
Charly (overweight)





Dear Anifitteam,
We have had our Charly since he was a puppy. Everything was great at first. Our dog grew and grew until at some point a neighbour said, I think Charly is a bit too fat. At first we dismissed this as nonsense. Until we went to the vet again and he said Charly weighed 29kg. I thought I was going to fall out of the clouds. Our vet recommended that we switch to dry food. Which we did. Only Charly didn't get any slimmer but put on even more weight. We were almost desperate. Charly now weighed 35.5 kg and could hardly move. He was sluggish and lazy. Until, by chance, I came across the telephone number of a nutritionist for dogs at the animal shelter. At first I thought what rubbish. A nutritionist for dogs. I rang her and got an appointment very quickly. She came to our home to look at Charly and explained to us exactly why the Anifit food is so good and advised us to add the bone tablets. Our dog has changed completely. He has lost 4.5 kg in 4 months. He jumps onto the couch in one movement where we used to have to lift him up. Of course Charly has to lose at least another 8kg, but we are very confident with Anifit. I would recommend it to anyone whose dog weighs too much.
Egon and Elke Monning

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Anifit Gutschein