Experience therapy dog handler

We work with our dogs in animal-assisted therapy and gave a presentation in this context at the dog fair in Aachen in spring 2012.
After work, we strolled round the fair with our dogs and had a look at the many stands. There was also a whole range of stands with pet food, and we were offered something from almost every one of them. Our reaction was always the same: our dogs won't eat that anyway. Our dogs are very instinctive and only used to the best food, so it's not easy to convince them.
So we also passed the ANIfit stand and were offered a test, which we did ... and lo and behold: our dogs loved the food! We were very surprised and enquired further. We learnt about the advantages and good quality of ANIfit's food and we also put it to the test at home. What can I say: it's been here for a good two years now, we've been feeding ANIfit ever since and are very satisfied.
Our dogs are healthy all round, they have a great coat and no bad breath, their droppings are neither foul-smelling nor lush and, it's hard to believe, our dogs hardly ever have parasites. These are convincing arguments for us to recommend ANIfit food to others!
Jahn family (7/2014)
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