
Shiny soft coat and no more belly bubbling

Our little Rudi 4 years old (Russian Toy Terrier) loves all types of wet food (Gockels Duett, Falscher Hase, Goldener Ochse .....).
We recently tried the Vital Menu Organic Beef and Chicken. Rudi didn't hesitate for a second and the bowl was immediately empty.

When he comes home from his walk, his anticipation is always great when he sees his food bowl.
He literally licks the bowl clean. We also mix flakes into his food.
Whether it's carrot flakes, natural flakes or vegetable mix. Everything is eaten. We also add a pinch of Dentax to prevent tartar.

Since Rudi has been fed this great food, he no longer has a bubbling tummy and his coat is silky soft and shiny.

He is happy and balanced all round. Bad breath is gone.

His teeth have also improved. He had a little tartar, so we can highly recommend Dentax.

Not to mention the numerous treats that Rudi gets as a reward or in between.
Everything is delicious. At Christmas he gets the Christmas biscuits. Let's see how they taste😄.
We will never feed him any other wet food again.
Unless Rudi doesn't like it any more at some point, but we can't imagine that happening.
In our opinion, there is nothing comparable.
And the customer service is also ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️verdient.

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