Bladder-Fit (Blase-Fit) 150g (1 Piece)

Bladder-Fit (Blase-Fit)

Herbal remedy for a healthy urogenital tract
Urine produced in the kidneys is transported into the bladder by the urinary system and then excreted via the urethra. The bladder is a highly expanda... read more
1 Piece, 150g
39.50 €
€ 263.33/kg
incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process
Bladder-Fit (Blase-Fit) 150g (1 Piece)
Bladder-Fit (Blase-Fit) 150g (1 Piece)
Bladder-Fit (Blase-Fit) 150g (1 Piece)
Bladder-Fit (Blase-Fit) 150g (1 Piece)
Bladder-Fit (Blase-Fit) 150g (1 Piece)
Bladder-Fit (Blase-Fit) 150g (1 Piece)

Herbal support for the urogenital tract.


Urine produced in the kidneys is transported into the bladder by the urinary system and then excreted via the urethra. The bladder is a highly expandable, watertight collector organ where urine is stored while it is not being emptied. A sphincter at the site where the bladder and urethra meet ensures that the urine is retained until it can be emptied.

A large number of hormones is responsible for regulating the urinary system, in particular with regard to controlling the excretion of fluids. However, as pets grow older, the balance of hormones begins to change which may mean that the sphincter is no longer able to perform its job as well as before.

This may result in these pets urinating unintentionally or without realising. While most reports of bladder weakness concern older, spayed bitches, un-spayed pets may also be affected.

Our product “Bladder-Fit” uses a mixture of organic herbs to help maintain a healthy urinary tract.

Bladder weakness or incontinence caused by advanced age is not to be confused with intentional or unintentional soiling. This sort of behaviour is generally more often observed in cats which urinate in unusual places. These cases may be a reaction to undesirable changes in the environment or the result of stress.

As there is a variety of reasons for bladder weakness or incontinence, the advice of a vet is recommended, in the event that you have the impression that this behaviour is not simply a temporary occurrence or cannot be remedied through the administration of plant-based products.

With a mix of herbs (100 % organic quality), Bladder-Fit allows you to make up for imbalances in your pet’s diet, helping the body to regulate itself.

Feeding recommendation (per day)

Dogs weighing up to 10kg: half a level teaspoon (approx. 1.5g)

Dogs weighing up to 20kg: half a level teaspoon (approx. 3.5g)

Dogs weighing up to 30kg: 1.5 level teaspoons (approx. 5g)

Dogs weighing up to 40kg: 2 level teaspoons (approx. 7g)

Cats: half a level teaspoon (approx. 1.5g)


100 % organic herbal extracts

Contents inc. organic pumpkin seeds, organic tragacanth, organic rosehip,

organic moringa, organic pomegranate, organic field horsetail,

organic aniseed, organic turmeric and organic chamomile.

Ingredient profile

22.9 % raw protein, 20.7 % raw oils and fats, 9.0 % raw fibre, 6.4 % crude ash


Our company (Provital GmbH) is certified organic by BCS Öko Garantie GmbH (DE-ÖKO-001) and
approved by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH according to ISO-9001.

Product information

Nutritional supplement for dogs and cats

The tin should be stored in a cool and dry location
due to its high oil content.

140 ml tin



100 % Bio-Kräuter

Enthält insb. Bio-Kürbiskerne, Bio-Tragant, Bio-Hagebutte, Bio-Moringa, Bio-Granatäpfel, Bio-Ackerschachtelhalm, Bio-Anis, Bio-Kurkuma und Bio-Kamille.

Analytische Bestandteile

22,9 % Rohprotein, 20,7 % Rohfett, 9,0 % Rohfaser, 6,4 % Rohasche

Feeding recommendation

Fütterungsempfehlung (pro Tag)

Hunde bis 10 kg: halber gestrichener Teelöffel (ca. 1,5g)
Hunde bis 20 kg: ein gestrichener Teelöffel (ca. 3,5g)
Hunde bis 30 kg: 1,5 gestrichene Teelöffel (ca. 5g)
Hunde bis 40 kg: 2 gestrichene Teelöffel (ca. 7g)
Katzen: halber gestrichener Teelöffel (ca. 1,5g)


Product information

Food supplement for dogs and cats

The can should be stored in a cool, dry place because of the high oil content.

140 g can


Our company (Provital GmbH) is certified organic by BCS Öko Garantie GmbH (DE-ÖKO-001) and certified by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH according to ISO-9001.

Bladder-Fit (Blase-Fit)

Herbal remedy for a healthy urogenital tract
1 Piece, 150g
39.50 €
€ 263.33/kg
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process

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